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Bolivia: References

To access more information that went behind the development of the Bolivia report, you can access the references below.

Global Centre for Pluralism


Azcui, Mabel. “Morales amenaza con expulsar a las ONG que conspiren en contra de su Gobierno” [“Morales threatens to expel NGOs that conspire against his government”]. El Pais, December 23, 2013. Accessed November 10, 2021,

Caicedo Smit, Cristina. “Bolivian Journalists Targeted in Attacks, Censorship.” Voice of America. November 15, 2019. Accessed November 10, 2021,

CEPAL. 2005. Los pueblos indígenas de Bolivia: diagnóstico sociodemográfico a partir del censo del 2001. Accessed May 24, 2022.

Committee on the Elimination of Discrimination against Women (CEDAW). “List of Issues and Questions in Relation to the Seventh Periodic Report of the Plurinational State of Bolivia.” UN CEDAW/C/BOL/Q/7. Accessed November 10, 2021,

Constitution. 2009. Accessed May 20, 2022, available at:

Copa, Vianca, Amy Kennemore, and Elizabeth López. “Autonomías indígenas entre la institucionalización y la autodeterminación: Una mirada desde el territorio del Jatun    Ayllu Yura hacia la reconfiguración de la Nación Qhara Qhara.” In  Autonomías y   autogobierno en territorios indígenas de América diversa: Balance 1990-2020. Edited by González et al. Quito: Ayba Yala, 2021.

Council on Hemispheric Affairs. “The TIPNIS Affair: Indigenous Conflicts and the Limits on ‘Pink Tide’ States Under Capitalist Realities.” December 16, 2011. Accessed November 10, 2021.

de Sousa Santos, Boaventura, and Jose Luis Exeni (eds). 2012. “Justicia indígena, plurinacionalidad e interculturalidad en Bolivia”. Abya Yala – Fund. Rosa Luxemburgo. Accessed May 24, 2021.

Dufner, Georg, and Iván Velásquez. “Economía informal e informalidad en una sociedad multiétnica” [“Informal economy and informality in a multiethnic society”]. Konrad Adenauer Stiftung. April 12, 2021. Accessed November 10, 2021.

Fundación Construir, “Gobierno busca fortalecer medios originarios a través de consultorías” [“Government seeks to strengthen original media through consultancies”]. April 16, 2021. Accessed November 10, 2021.

“Fundación Tierra: INRA ocultó información de 1.400 autorizaciones en Santa Cruz” [“Fundación Tierra: INRA hid information on 1,400 authorizations in Santa Cruz”]. Página Siete. April 15, 2021. Accessed November 10, 2021.

Fundación TIERRA. “¿Qué pasa con la distribución de tierras luego del saneamiento?” [“What happens with the distribution of land after the regulation?”]. Página Siete. August 22, 2021. Accessed November 10, 2021.

Global Centre for Pluralism. Pluralism Perceptions Survey – Bolivia. Ottawa: Global Centre for Pluralism, 2021.

Grupo Interdisciplinario de Expertos Independientes – Bolivia (GIEI). Informe Sobre los hechos de violencia y vulneración de los derechos humanos ocurridos entre el 1 de septiembre y 31 de diciembre de 2019 [Report on the acts of violence and violation of human rights that occurred between September 1 and December 31, 2019]. July 23, 2021. Accessed November 10, 2021.

Gotkowitz, L. A Revolution For Our Rights. Durham, NC: Duke University Press, 2007.

Grisaffi, Thomas. Coca Yes, Cocaine No: How Bolivia’s Coca Growers Reshaped Democracy. Durham, NC: Duke University Press, 2019.

International Labour Organization (ILO). NORMLEX Information System on International Labour Standards: Bolivia. n.d. Accessed August 25, 2021.

Kennemore, Amy. “The Search for Indigenous Justice in Plurinational Bolivia Contested Sovereignties, Entanglement, and the Politics of Harm.” PhD dissertation. University of California, San Diego, 2020.

Larson, B. Trials of Nation Making: Liberalism, Race, and Ethnicity in the Andes, 1810-1910. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 2004.

Latin American Public Opinion Project (LAPOP). “Bolivia.” AmericasBarometer. 2021. Accessed November 10, 2021,

Moreno, Daniel, ed. Informe Nacional de la Encuesta Mundial de Valores en Bolivia [National Report of the World Values Survey in Bolivia]. La Paz: Ciudadanía, 2019.

Nagumo, Kiyomi. “Limitaciones al Acceso a al Información en Bolivia” [“Limitations to Access to Information in Bolivia”]. International Seminar on Strategic Defense, Law and Environment. Cochabamba, Bolivia. September 2018. Accessed August 25, 2021,

Noticias de America Latina y El Caribe [News from Latin America and the Caribbean] (NODAL). “Los ciudadanos bolivianos ya pueden incluir su identidad cultural en la cédula.” [“Bolivian citizens can now include their cultural identity in the identity card”]. July 7, 2016. Accessed November 10, 2021.

Observatorio de Género [Gender Observatory]. Coordinadora de la Mujer [Women’s Coordinator].

Office of the High Commissioner on Human Rights (OHCHR). “Instruments & mechanisms.” n.d. Accessed August 25, 2021.

Organization of American States (OAS). IACHR Urges Bolivia to Respect Inter-American Standards for Due Process and Access to Justice and Stresses the Country’s Obligation to Investigate and Punish Anyone Responsible for Human Rights Violations Committed in the Context of the 2019 Electoral and Institutional Crisis, and to Ensure Comprehensive Reparations for Victims and Their Families. Press Release. March 16, 2021. Accessed August 25, 2021

Ormachega, Enrique, and Nilton Ramirez. Propiedad colectiva de la tierra y producción    agrícola capitalista. La Paz: CELDA, 2013.

Postero, Nancy. The Indigenous State: Race, Politics, and Performance in Plurinational Bolivia. Oakland: University of California Press, 2017.

———. Now We Are Citizens: Indigenous Politics in Postmulticultural Bolivia. Stanford, NJ: Stanford University Press, 2007.

Salazar, Huascar. 2021. “Bolivia: el Estado que obliga a elegir entre salud o economía” [Bolivia: the State that forces you to choose between health or economy]. El Pais. January 25, 2021. Accessed May 20, 2022,

Tassi, Nico. The Native World-System. An Ethnography of Bolivian Aymara Traders in the Global Economy. Oxford: Oxford University Press, 2016.

United Nations Committee against Torture (CAT). Observaciones finales sobre el tercer informe periódico del Estado Plurinacional de Bolivia [Concluding observations on the third periodic report of the Plurinational State of Bolivia]. 2021. Accessed November 10, 2021.

United Nations Treaty Collection. UN Treaty Series Online. n.d.

Van Cott. Donna Lee. Radical Democracy in the Andes. Cambridge University Press. 2008.

Villena, Rolando. Sin Pueblos Indígenas no hay Estado Plurinacional [There is no Plurinational State without Indigenous Peoples]. La Paz: Defensoría del Pueblo, 2016. Accessed November 10, 2021.

World Bank Group. Indigenous Latin America in the Twenty-First Century: The First Decade. Accessed November 10, 2021.



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