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Why Pluralism?

Everyone benefits when society chooses to value difference.

Living and engaging positively with diversity is a challenge all societies face. At the same time, confidence in longstanding institutions, such as constitutions or legislatures, that have previously tried to manage diversity are weakening in many societies. As a result, diverse individuals across the globe are becoming increasingly more vulnerable. Improving the way societies, and their institutions, engage with pluralism is therefore a pressing global issue.

Pluralism helps institutional and societal actors identify opportunities and make choices that respond to the experiences and needs of those who have been excluded. When these choices are made in ways that draw on diversity as a source of strength, better outcomes are possible: from improved educational and economic opportunities, to more inclusive citizenship and stronger human rights protections.

National Forum for Pluralism and Guarantees of Non-Repetition, organized by CODHES and GCP, March 2023

Strengthening pluralism is tied to a more stable future, where people live together in peace and prosperity. A more just, peaceful and prosperous society is a society that is more able to weather difficult circumstances such as pandemics, economic crises, food insecurity and climate change emergencies. Pluralism is directly connected to quality of life.