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The Global Pluralism Monitor assesses the state of pluralism in diverse societies and identifies underlying drivers of exclusion.

The Global Pluralism Monitor methodology includes guiding principles for completing assessments, a walkthrough of the Monitor assessment framework, and guidance on the interpretation of the Monitor scores.

The Monitor provides an indicative picture of the status of assessed groups and outlines what is necessary for pluralism to flourish. It provides starting points for deeper engagement on the opportunities and challenges to building more pluralistic societies. Importantly, the Monitor does not propose a single route to pluralism. The Monitor reflects an understanding that pluralism is contextual and may look very different in different places due to the confluence of cultural, social, and historical factors.


Overall, the Monitor methodology can be broken down into the following steps:

Step 0: Identify the assessment teams

The Monitor is researched and written by assessment teams. Each team consists of two assessors and one reviewer. Each assessor is responsible for working through the Monitor framework independently and then submitting their draft report to the reviewer. Then, the reviewer consolidates the two assessments and finalizes the scores and narrative assessments together with the team.

The Global Centre for Pluralism recruits assessment teams. These teams are made up of individuals from the country of analysis or with substantial, demonstrated and vetted experience in the country in fields related to pluralism. This includes experts from academia, nongovernmental organizations, civil society organizations, government and the private sector.

Step 1: Choose diversity types

Assessment teams use the Monitor framework to choose the diversity types that will be analyzed. Not all forms of diversity can be included, so teams are asked to select those diversity types that best tell the story of pluralism in their country.

The diversity types are chosen among ethnic, racial, religious, cultural, Indigenous, regional or linguistic groups. Other forms of diversity can be selected when teams feel these are necessary to understand the state of pluralism in a country.

Step 2: Apply the Monitor Framework

Each diversity type is assessed across 5 dimensions – commitments, practices, leadership, group-based inequalities and intergroup relations, and belonging – with 20 indicators. Each diversity type is also analyzed with a gender lens against the Monitor framework.

These assessments use secondary research, as well as results from the Global Pluralism Perceptions survey commissioned by the Centre.

Step 3: Country Profiles, Indicators and Scores

Every Monitor report has a country profile section that provides an overview of the state of pluralism in a country. The country profile provides context for the diversity types chosen and for some of the salient issues discussed throughout the report.

Each indicator under a dimension is scored on a scale of 1 through 10. A score of 1 indicates a low level of adherence or commitment to pluralism, while a score of 10 indicates the strongest level of commitment to it. This numerical score is accompanied by a narrative explanation.

Step 4: Recommendations and Engagement

Assessment teams provide recommendations based on the results of the Monitor assessment to inform in-country stakeholders and the Centre’s strategy for disseminating Monitor results. These recommendations reinforce calls from country experts, organizations and the international community.

The Global Pluralism Monitor assesses the state of pluralism at the country level to enable comparison. This means that assessment of pluralism at regional levels of analysis (such as provinces or cities) is beyond the current scope of the Monitor.